We do recommend everyone actually purchase sc2 as its one of the greatest games ever and all the work thats been put into it deserve to get some compensation for their. Note this method might be against the blizzard TOS but since the beta is over you might be fine doing this and blizzard might not be mad. You will have to look for a bay to pirate these if you want something like that 🙂. Now you are not going to get any of the special blizzard custom made campaigns as it stands because of how they are coded and they are built into the game itself. – Select the map you want to play from the single player hack folder.

– Run the starcraft 2 single player hack. – Put the starcraft hack in the same folder as your starcraft 2 directory. – Wait until you get to the login screen and close the program down. – Once there download the starcraft 2 single player hack with bots. Note you have to be using the windows version as the mac version isnt working. – Go to a torrent site and get the beta of starcraft 2 for your computer. Here are all the orders you need to do in order to get this method working. Note you have to download the beta client and get a special hack in order for this to work. A way to play starcraft 2 single player for free. Here is something a ton of hard core fans of starcraft and starcraft 2 will enjoy.